I have always been interested in changing the narrative around how we approach spaces, projects and environments. Having always felt strongly that many curated spaces are hugely inaccessible and exclusionary.
From exhibitions and events to workshops and community spaces I believe we have normalised a very rigid way of curating that leaves lots of people behind. In all my practice I work to break down barriers and dismantle our set ideas of how these spaces traditionally present. I aim to find innovative raw refreshing ways to meet the purpose of what we are curating and most importantly include and connect people who are often excluded.
I work with different disciplines from performance, photography, film, research, collage, food, words, sound and facilitation often experimenting with new ways to combine practices.

I Co-founded SLEEC (Survivors Leading Essential Education & Change) in 2019 and since have curated events, multimedia work, workshops, unlearning spaces and support spaces.
SLEEC is a survivor-run organisation that changes systems, supports survivors and dismantles the roots of male violence.
Within SLEEC I write articles, make interdisciplinary artwork and curate events and workshops that specifically tackle subjects around rape culture that are not getting enough focus. Things such as internalised sexism within recovery, the barriers and impact of male violence for men and boys, and classism within the well-being world.
I founded SIFH+ in 2016 and curated a diverse range of projects, exhibitions and events over the three years I ran the organisation.
SIFH+ is a project that supports women, girls those who feel oppressed because of their gender identity, to have a voice and be heard through photography and image.
Because the media is male dominated, we are mainly shown the world through the male gaze. Stories and imagery representing women and girls are often controlled and manipulated by men. This leads to misrepresentation and false narratives. SIFH+ was built as an antidote; a space where we were given the tools to represent ourselves in different ways.